Kill All Users in MySQL

MySQL – Script to Kill A User Session

I googled around and found some code that could be used with a few tweaks to kill all users EXCEPT the User(s) you specify.

connections=$(mysql -h$1 -u$2 -p$3 -e "SHOW PROCESSLIST" |grep -v wmayall| grep -v Id | grep -v root|awk '{print $1}' )
for id in $connections
    mysql -h$1 -u$2 -p$3 -e "KILL $id"

#chmod 700

The syntax is:

./  –host –user –password:

Below is an example:

./ localhost root my_password

The grep –v excludes the User you do NOT want to kill their session.  

If the User is connected through ODBC, a new session could be created automatically, in which case you would want to block connections to that port and re-issue the script.


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