Steps to check when MySQL Performance is POOR

If your MySQL server performance is poor check the following details in your server.

1.Check the load average.

          ex: w 

Note:load average is not more than 1.

2.Check free memory.

          ex: free -m 

Check the available memory. 

3.Check the updating running process.

          ex: top 

Check CPU utilization and Memory of the server.

4.Show processlist.
This statement shows you which threads are running and to see “too many connections” error message and want to find out what is going on.

5.See log error.

 Is there any error in the server.

6.See slow 
query log. 
Check which query is taking more time to execute.
Then,Optimizing the query response time by query tuning, proper  index creation and parameter tuning.

7.Hard disk performance.


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